
GER is located in Itziar, in the Basque Country, a privileged area on the Cantabrian Coast, where 90% of Spanish machine tool manufacturers are concentrated.


Most of the equipment suppliers and subcontractors for the machine tool industry are located within 40 kilometres of the GER factory which makes us extremely self-sufficient and highly flexible in the design and construction of our grinding machines.

T. +0034 943 606025 · F. +0034 943 606241 · germh@germh.com


La empresa Ger Máquinas-Herramienta, S.L. Unipersonal participa en el Programa “ ICEX-BREXIT” financiado por todos los fondos de la Unión Europea, para mitigar las consecuencias adversas de la retirada del Reino Unido de la Unión. Ayudas concebidas por Icex en 2023